Tuesday, March 10, 2009



Today was a busy day again. Jan K, Dorita, and Anne headed off to Flor. Margot came with us for the morning at SBV to spend time with the teenaged girls. The rest of us got to work putting on the second coat of paint in the bedrooms. The guys helped on the high places and worked on the wall. Leamarie had a wonderful day teaching a lesson to the Pre-K and to the 4-6 graders. After school she and Valerie led a teacher workshop. The teachers were so excited to receive the teaching aids Leamarie and several members of the Home Team made. Suzy told me that she has some of the older children teaching some lessons to the younger ones. She develops the lesson plans and helps them teach. Everyone loves it and Suzy says they are so cute.

Margot had one of her inspirations to invite the teen girls to Erika´s to spend the night. I worked on the logistics with Suzy and Toyita in the morning. The word about this surprise leaked out and the girls are so excited! Harper will come too. My thought was to let them take warm showers for a change! The girls have a microbusiness making soap. Minta bought coffee "flavored" and vanilla soap. We plan on buying out their supply. The bars are really lovely and purportedly last a long time. We will sell them at the Art Auction and,of course, the proceeds go right back to LAMB so the soap will generate financial support twice!

Suzy told me that Jorge, an outstanding young man, was having surgery tomorrow. He was born with a problem with his urethra and needed two surgeries to fix it. He had the first several years ago. Tomorrow he gets the second. Bill reported that Jorge has had kidney problems all his life. He joined us for lunch and we all gathered around him, laid hands on him while Julio prayed for his healing. Jorge seemed really pleased that we had prayed for him. He spent the afternoon helping us paint.

After a delicious dinner of paella, Suzy and her girls, Mari, Sallie, Elsa, and Lucy came by. Bill and Suzy played guitar and sang for and with us. Bill debuted the song he wrote for this team called There is a Place in the Country. Beautiful as are all his songs. Suzy led us in a devotional and then we chatted, she answered questions, and we sang some more. What a joy and privelege it is to spend time with her and her children. We will see Suzy again on Thursday because she has just become the 3rd grade teacher at SBV. The former teacher left so she is filling in and loving it.

Signing off now. We have a huge day and early start.

Sleep with the angels!

Hasta manana

Karen and Cesia Maria
The toddlers
John in the Pepto room
Jocelyn carrying the mattress
Valerie and Leamarie
Leamarie teaching 4-6 grades
Leamarie teaching PK with Jan G as interpreter
Jocelyn carrying her mattress. She would NOT accept any help at all! She giggled all the way from Toyita´s cottage to hers.
Al painting
Bill and Yareli
Astrid, Paty, Xiomara packaging the soap they made to sell as a microbusiness.