Today was our last full workday. I am proud to announce that Bonnie, Renee and I finished cleaning the school and the Chapel. We couldn’t have done it, of course, without Geoff, The Chunker King. Geoff chipped off all the hardened mortar and stray concrete – a huge job. Renee became the Threshold Queen, working diligently to reveal perfectly formed thresholds in doorways that looked like nothing was there. It was particularly inspiring to see her work in her TinkerBell top and pink bandana kerchief. Adrienne, her daughter, would be so… um… horrified. Perhaps I can talk Renee into wearing it to her high school graduation. Amy also wore a TinkerBell top. I was rather plain in my Construction Barbie outfit. Next year I am buying a Dumbo top. The windows on Cottages 3 and 4 are just about done – just a little bit of ladder work to do. The laundry/kitchen building is painted with two coats, as is the playground wall. The Director’s Cottage is done except for one room which another group will paint next week. There is a cement pad in the front of the school mostly finished thanks to Philip and the St. James team. John stepped in as a caretaker in the nursery because much of the staff is off for the holidays. Everyone was really working hard really focused on getting as much done as possible.
Please keep Tatiana, age 5, in your prayers. Some people from another team were working on the furniture in the nursery and a stray nail was left behind. Tatiana swallowed the 1 inch nail. She has been in the hospital all day under observation. We hope she will be able to pass it with no pain or damage.
I was so happy to see Esly again. She was there yesterday and today helping with the children. Esly is a beautiful young woman (18) who came to LAMB after having been raped by her step father. Her daughter, Angely, was born there. She has graduated from LAMB and is now on staff. Angely still lives with us but I imagine when Esly gets a bit older and able to support herself, she will take Angely home with her. We would all support that as she has always been a good mother.
We got back to Erika’s, cleaned up and went to Cristo Redentor for Maundy Thursday service. For once the North Americans were late! We thought the service started at 6:00 but it actually started at 5:30 which means it really started about 10 minutes before we got there. The North Americans outnumbered the Hondurans this time because all 3 teams were there – 51 of us. The service was lovely and very moving, especially the foot washing. Bonnie was deeply moved by it. She and I joined the Honduran Lay Leaders in washing people’s feet. It was a real joy and privilege to be side by side by our Honduran sisters. After the service, they served an Agape dinner. Although we had dinner waiting for us at Erika’s, we had no trouble snarfing down tamales and fruit they had prepared for us. Suzy had brought Cesia Maria and Aaron Joshue. They are so cute. Cesia has grown since March and is as lovely as ever. AJ is a pistol and knows it!
Back at Erika’s, all the gr’ups (grown ups) decided to turn the tables on the teens. We rushed into the food line first, then we took “their seats” at the long dinner table. (That really rattled them!) During dinner we sang loud, obnoxious songs and bumped them as we went back for seconds. Then we ran into the living area and draped ourselves over the furniture. The look of shock was hilarious. They did not recognize themselves at all. We absolutely roared. They finally caught on and started acting like us. Admonishing us for hogging the sofas, exhorting us to be role models, and announcing our bedtime was 10:30 – no exceptions. It was a blast. A great time was had by all.
The kids are preparing for our field day part 2 tomorrow. The adults packed all the loot we bought at Giancarlo’s and Valle. I don’t know about everyone else, but I am exhausted.
This has been a truly Holy Week for all of us. Thank you to all our family, friends, and parish families for your support and prayers. I hope we can bring back some of the joy and share it with you all.
Tinkerbell Renee
Esly and Angely
Frederik and Aaron Joshue
The CLEAN Chapel!
Pig pile
Bonnie and me moving furniture in the Chapel
Karen´s feet being washed
Foot washing with Wheeler
Renee and Cesia Maria at church