Sunday, June 20, 2010
The morning started with Morning Prayer led by Carolyn and Alyssa. After a simple breakfast we headed out, stopped by Casa LAMB to pick up Pat Cashman and have a quick tour and then on to SBV for church. I don’t think I will ever get used to the beauty of the Chapel. There is a special joy being in that sacred space filled with happy, squirmy children worshipping, singing, and praying. Courtney processed in with the altar party because she was asked to do the old testament reading. She read so beautifully, so poised. Suzy preached an inspiring sermon using a sailboat as a metaphor for our lives. We were encouraged to let the Holy Spirit be the wind in our sails. Bruce was the chalice bearer. There is a special type of joyful worship there in the Church of the Good Shepherd.
After church we took off for the park called Picacho aka the Jesus Statue park. We had a picnic lunch and enjoyed the fantastic view and the unbelievable statue of Jesus, arms outstretched over the city of Tegucigalpa. There is also a replica of a Mayan temple with a zillion steps. Jan and I climbed the steps to see what we could see and get a great shot of the statue. When we got down, Bonnie decided she wanted to go so up we all went again! Half way up are gargoyles. Bonnie, Jan and I posed with the gargoyle to the amazement of the Hondurans!
After the park we went to Chiminike – a huge and fabulous children’s museum. It was as cool as any children’s museum in the US and, really, bigger than any I have ever seen. It was full of really fun, hands on exhibits. One large room was dedicated to the human body. I think this room was my favorite. It had a “Vomit Center” that brought to life the process leading up to throwing up. There was also an exhibit of the various bacteria in our bodies, a huge intestinal system (I took a picture of Carolyn standing triumphantly in a colon) and a giant Operation game – just like the one we have all played as kids! Very cool. We took a group picture in the giant nose proving you can pick your friends, you can pick your nose… (you can fill in the rest…)
Home again to the most delicious dinner of enchiladas (we would call them tostadas) and brownies. The evening activity was sorting all the things we brought down, Alyssa’s getting to know you game, reflection and then Compline. Then bed!
It was a great day. Tomorrow, the real work begins. Can’t wait!Bruce and Jocelyn