"I wish they had rebar olympics," Alyssa said wistfully. If they did, we would have a GOLD medal team. When we got to SBV this morning, El Jefe Mario, told us we didn't need to haul rocks but, instead, we needed to assemble more rebar. He had his workers making the twinkers (hmmm..) so we could focus on the rebar. We had two rebar stations and were going great guns. It is amazing how filthy you can get working with rebar... Bonnie raises filthiness (I mean dirtness) to a new level.
During lunch I realized how exhausted I was. My stamina isn't up to par yet and I really hit the wall. I decided to take it easy the rest of the day. I turned in my pinkers and twisters and invited a small group into renegade activity - trespassing on the neighboring property to see the beautiful view over the valley. We spent the rest of the afternoon playing with the children. You just can't get enough of that. Each one is so different and so precious. One day it is a baby who grabs your heart, the next day it is one of the little boys, then another day it is one of the girls, then, of course, there are the teens. The ATL teens are so good with the kids and truly love them. The children love them right back. It is a joy to see them all playing and laughing and hugging each other. What a gift.
Speaking of gifts... Anne and Donna and the Honduran teens finished the chair bags they were making for the 4&5th grade classrooms. Reina and Astrid in particular really took to the sewing. The chair bags are beautiful and fit perfectly. It was a delight to watch the children come into their classroom and see them. The boys raced over and were very seriously and carefully arranging and rearranging their things in the bag on their chair. Donna and Anne were so proud of the teens! Reina has announced that she is going to make a dress and will wear it the next time Anne comes back!
Jan had a great day again in Flor with the La Cantera ladies. They made several items that they are going to have ready to sell tomorrow when we get there. They were so excited and Jan is so proud of them. We gave each of our teens $10 so they could buy the things for sale tomorrow. How blessed we are to be a part of their lives and to see them learning skills that can earn money and improve their lives.
After a delish dinner and don-nut holes for dessert (I didn't want any but it would have been rude not to eat them... hehehe) Suzy came over for the evening. She brought her guitar and we sang several songs. She read some scripture, led us in prayer and then talked to us about listening to God and giving up anxiety and worry. In many ways I felt she was talking to me. I am so eager to move here but am anxious about how to get from where I am in my life to this life in HN that I am so hoping to have. I have to work on my listening skills.
Tomorrow is Flor del Campo and Valle of the Angels. Early morning, tired now so I will sign off. Thanks to everyone reading this blog and keeping us all in your thoughts and prayers.